“Father set our hearts on fire for these people”…… I feel my whole body filled with heat, LITERALLY. It is about 102 degrees in the minefield and still no sight of rain.
In the past three years coming to Cambodia, I have never witnessed the powerful effect of the summer’s weather without rain. People are exhausted, the kids in the village are exhausted, it is very challenging to concentrate when you have sweat running down your body.
Besides the weather, we have multiple small “fires” to deal with. This village, the teams, the whole organization is experiencing spiritual opposition. There is sickness, exhaustion, miscommunication and other obstacles that can only originate from a dark side.
Even for those challenges I thank you Father, because they are reminders of the war we fight for you. In a place where people worship idols and welcome darkness we are your light shining on them. Father dress us with your strength and allow us to be your army.
Today (while we withstand scorching heat at the minefield in Cambodia) I am reminded of how being a believer, furthermore a Christian, surpasses the check mark besides the “Sunday service” box. Becoming a spiritual trooper for God’s army goes beyond the romantic idea of a missionary trip to South East Asia, a sporadic Bible reading and worship music on the way to work. Being a Christian, represents a firm commitment to surrender our whole existence to a mighty God we can only experience through blind faith.
And whilst dedicating our lives to Jesus may expose us to criticism, exhaustion, separation, discomfort, fear and challenges (that we have never endured before) no sacrifice we make, will EVER measure to His.